So you’ve got a 50/50 shot, but according to The Stir, and their readers these are the ways to tell!
You’re DEFINITELY pregnant with a boy if:
• Your baby’s heartbeat is slower than 140 beats per minute
• You’d rather sleep on your left side than right
• Your hands are dry
• You’re feeling super clumsy
• You’re carrying low
• You’re craving salty food or protein
• You combine your age at the time of conception with the number of the month you conceived and the resulting number is even
• Your hair has gotten more full-bodied and shiny during pregnancy
• You’re more prone to headaches
• Your pillow faces north when you sleep
• When you’re asked to show your hands, you present them palms down
• Your urine is bright yellow (um, dude, this means you need to HYDRATE)
• Your previous child’s first word was “daddy” or “dada”
• You tie your wedding ring to some thread, hang it over your stomach, and it moves in circles. If it moves side to side, it’s a girl! (Note: I have seen the exact opposite description of this ‘test’ so I’m not sure everyone’s totally clear on the circle/side-to-side thing)
On the other hand, you’re for sure TOTALLY having a girl if:
• Your baby’s heartbeat is faster than 140 beats per minute
• Your belly is round like a basketball
• You have tons of zits
• You’re carrying high
• Your face is all round and moon-like
• You look like shit … because girls steal your beauty
• You’re a barfing machine
• Your left hooter is bigger than your right
• You look at yourself in the mirror for at least a minute, but your pupils don’t dilate (???)
• You’re craving sweet things, like fruit or fistfuls of Junior Mints
• You’re having lots of mood swings
• When someone asks you to show your hands, you present them palms up
• You can eat an entire clove of garlic without smelling like it (tasty! That’ll go nicely with your morning sickness)
• Your hair is getting thinner and dull during pregnancy
• Your belly attracts the attention of a toddler boy; if he ignores you, you’re having a boy
• Your previous child’s first word was “mama”